Monday 17 January 2011


ONE REPUBLIC - APOLOGIZE piano instrumental

As we we're told by our teacher that we are allowed to use any song as long as it is played by us, we have thought of using piano music which includes different notes in it creating different moods. 'Too late to apologize' would be a great tune to play as every note makes me personally get different feelings. I am very sensible towards pianos and I love them being played, they give of romantic and passionate feelings towards me, as well as creepy and mysterious feelings can be earned. These feelings should be created towards the audience to understand/get an idea of what the film is/may be about.

YIRUMA - A RIVER FLOWS IN YOU piano instrumental

We have also looked at 'Yiruma- A river flows in you' this we have thought is too emotional and it gets rather boring after a while as every note is rather high and similar. This tune does not involve any creepy notes in it and therefore it would not let the audience know what the film is/may be about.

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